
Just For Fun::

25 Things Post:

1. I found this chair for free by the roadside, very cute!
2. First flea of the season is this month. I'm happy about that ;)
3. It's snowing right now..
4. I wear glasses to read. Well, I should
5. I tweet, pin and have a facebook 
6. I miss my Mom
7. Catching up on my magazine reading
8. I'm a new fan of Tokyo, Milk
9. Jeans are a staple in my closet
10. My car is dirty
11. I watch American Idol
12. My primroses are dying already.. See I told you
13. Tea time in the evening is the best
14. I live in sweats when I'm home.
15. I'm gluten free but, yesterday I cheated and ate a donut
16. There's a vintage wooden ironing board in my living room. Anyone?
17. I'm working on a sewing project right now. Such a challenge for me. Yes, I'm sewing
18. A new fan of sushi
19. The Organizer from the estate sale emailed me.Won't be long till the rest of the contents goes up for sale.
20. I need to get back to my yoga classes
21. My plans for this weekend might be canceled.
22. Making a pot of lentil soup. Mom's recipe :)
23. Do you think the groundhog was right in his prediction?
24. I'm watching a squirrel outside my window, no birds! Ha, Ha.
25. Coffee's on... Have a wonderful Saturday.
xxx Liz


Pam Kessler said...

Yeah for number 19!!!! Your photo reminded me that when I was in the thrift store the other day I saw a neat old flour sifter that I meant to pick up on the way out of the store, but forgot about by the time I was checking out. I guess that's why I had this nagging feeling on the way home that I was forgetting something. Wonder if it's still there?

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

How fun Liz!
I have an ironing board of sorts...in the living room at the lake!
Can't wait to see what you bring home at the estate sale!
:) Laura

Blessed Serendipity said...

That little pink chair is adorable and the price was right.
You got my attention when I read about the estate sale is coming up. Hope you get some more cool stuff.


Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I love these kind of posts! So fun learning more about you! I want to do a post like this sometime! I am gluten free, too!

Passionate for White said...

I miss my Mom too. And cooking one of her favorite recipes is a good way for me to "connect" with her - I hope it does the same for you.