

Winter Wonderland

                  Yes, it snowed last night. Not alot. Maybe an inch at that. I had a two hour delay at my school,
       this morning. So, I decided to get my boots on and take a stroll with my camera. I really had to clean off the car too. The birds were chirping.So peaceful and calm. Hooray for Snow! At least for today.
       As you can see, I need some bird seed in the feeder.Sorry birdies! Felt so good to get outside ,while I wait for my coffee to brew. Wow, time flies when you are having fun. Have a good day in your neck of the woods.
                                                                                                                       Hugs, Liz


  1. Good morning Liz,
    Nothing like an early morning walk with your camera and some fresh snow! I hope you enjoy that coffee! :)

  2. Good for you:)I am two months behind in my weekly walking...when I can, I do the 1 Mile walk from a video in my livingroom! Your pics are really nice...made me shiver. Today, we still have snow on the ground but roads are clean so going shopping early tomorrow.
    Take care,

  3. Love the fresh morning snow, and love the morning coffee to go with!=)


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