

My Affair With Bob

                  I already know what you are thinking. I'm not having a affair. Well, yes! An affair with a candy cane.Yesterday afternoon, I went to my local supermarket. I was glancing at the candy isle and came across these. Great color combination. Don't you agree? You know I like green.  I remember when I was little, my Mom always purchased Bobs candy canes to eat and decorate the tree with. Here are some facts. Candy canes on the Christmas tree, symbolize the Shepherd's in the field on that first Christmas night. Thus, the Shepherd's crook became the candy cane. Interesting, right? I would also, do the activities on the candy cane box. Do you remember that?Am I dating myself?
                 Candy canes are a tradition now. Thank you, Bob!
                                            Here's hoping you have an affair with Bob also. Can't wait to make some hot cocoa with a candy cane stirrer! Have a wonderful week. A big Thank you to all who voted for me at the Blog Guidebook. I made it to round 3. Without you, it wouldn't be possible. Candy canes to go around for everyone. Ha, Ha.  Again, Thanks! Yippee. Hugs, Liz


  1. Hmmmm.... I am sorry to report that I just don't like Bob or his kind very much! Ha, ha!


  2. Hi liz - I remember activities on the candy cane box. And, I guess Bob must be cheating on us (: as I also am having an affair with him. I adore him on the tree, and stirring my cocoa as well as coffee (with a wee bit of Kahlua in, and cream on top, of course). A true vintage holiday staple. Lovely post - and congrats on making it to round three in the Blog Guidebook!


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