

Fabulous Birdhouses ::

 pic by:Tamar Morgendorff

                                      I'm dreaming  of Spring this morning. Birds singing, flowers in bloom and the smell of fresh air. I can't wait to open my windows and inhale the sutle smells of Spring. It won't be long my Friends, we will be all inhaling Sp ring's aroma.

                                     I came across these birdhouses in my picture archives. Aren't these fabulous?  I would love to have, the white one in my back  yard. I'm sure the birds would enjoy visiting my humble abode. I'm don't know if they would stay, though. I forget to feed them on occasion. I'm a terrible Mother bird!  No wonder my visitors fly South. Ha, Ha!
                                    Lots to do today. No school! Hooray! I have lots to do on my to Do list. Funny how that list keeps growing.Have a fabulous weekend. If you get a chance. Check out Sandy's Blog: My Shabby Stream side Studio. Sandy made a Video. Guess who's art work is featured?
                                                                                                                   xx oo

1 comment:

  1. Yep...I'm so ready for spring...we had more snow this morning...go away, snow!
    Lovely blog you have here...THANKS for visiting me:)


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