

Childhood Toys::

Why did she put us in a bowl?


Strike A Pose..
                        Let me introduce you to ''Peter'', my childhood Teddy Bear. Peter was a Cousin on my Dad's side. I think I  was 6 or 7 when I meet Peter ,the Cousin. A real handsome Blondie,  to my recall. I think I had a crush on him. That's why I think Peter stuck. I think Peter the Bear could be a  Steiff ? Not sure on that.  He has some similar traits. My teddy is so frail now. I contemplated throwing him away at some point in time , but I don't have the heart to do so. Poor Peter and his friend, Soldier.If you go to Sally Jean's Blog. She has a Soldier just like mine. Funny!
                       So, as I continue dusting and recounting my childhood memories. Hope you are having a great Saturday in your neck of the woods.


  1. Oooh I love Peter and his friend, don't through him away, if so I'll be first in line, send him to his new Mama that already loves him!! Hugs and have a wonderful day! Marilou

  2. Very sweet bear...sweet that you kept him all this time! I just had my mom dig out an old toy I remembered and had seen in another blog!!
    Happy weekend=)

  3. Liz,I love that you still have your teddy (Peter). I am SO glad you didn't throw him away. He may be worn, but he has seen so many things in his time I'm sure. I love the sweet face on your little soldier.
    sending hugs

  4. He looks very well loved. Reminds me of my brother's teddy bear that had about two hairs left on his body the last time I saw him.

  5. Dont you dare throw that adorable bear out! He is time worn and charming and he is your history...Your life is written on your face. thanx for sharing,,,I am a new follower. Would love for you to come by my blog and visit. Tiff


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