

Welcome Guests::

                                 I adorned my entry way with Vintage  hats this afternoon. I started this collection many moons ago. Now, I'm wondering if it should stay or go? They remind me of Easter bonnets, right? Just in time for Spring. Which one is your favorite? Hubbs took one look at them and said, ''You're not  keeping THOSE there, ARE You?" I quess he didn't like them. Ha, Ha!! I still need at least 3 or 4 to finish the wall with Vintageness. Is that a word?
                              I'm just itching for a change around here! Have a great Thursday.


                                                                                                                       xxx Liz


  1. I love the green hat. I wish women would wear hats like women used to.

  2. I like the green one. It is a cute idea for spring and certainly says Easter bonnets to me.

  3. Vintageness certainly sounds like word to me. :-)


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