

Country Apple Blossoms::

Yes, you could say I live in apple country. There are thriving apple orchards everywhere in my neck of the woods. The blossoms have just begun blooming their buds. I hope we have a good crop this year. This winter was a rough one. I may not be a farmer, but I do enjoy hot apple pie right out of the oven. Wait! Even better Ala mode. Yum!
Have a super week.


  1. Oh yes! How beautiful! Thank you for transporting me back to my youth and my grandparent's orchards!

  2. Liz you take us to the most amazing places and I think the trip to this beautiful orchard is my favorite. How I would love to have a picnic right there on the grass.
    hugs from here...

  3. Great photos, Liz! The leaves are just popping out on our apple trees...I can hardly wait for the blossoms!

  4. Liz, have I told you how much I love your blog? I think the hard cold winter is going to be excellent for the fruit trees. It seems the Spring blossoms around here were the most beautiful I have seen in years. I have one lonely little peach tree and I am heading out now to see if there are any nubbins on it. :) Have a super day.xo

  5. are those crates? very cool! i love my an apple pie too! susan


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