

One More Week::

           On Saturday, My Hubby and I went to the Ultimate Yard Sale held at Stormville Airport. While there, I saw these. Do you know what they are? The vendor told me they were Tibetan prayer boxes. Monks would take them while traveling on long trips afar. Very interesting and unique artifacts made of Silver. I think we could all use a prayer box from time to time. Me especially right about now.
Random thoughts for Thursday. One more week of training to go! I miss Blogging terribly. But, in my heart I know one week will go fast. We shall see were this second chapter of my life will lead me.
Thanks for being there. Miss You!!
                                                                  Liz :)


  1. Glad to hear the training is going well! Life is always evolving!

  2. Lovely prayer boxes of Tibetian silver. The work of the Tibetans is very lovely and you scored on that one. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful summer


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