

Meet Lizzie::

              A great ending to a hectic week! I found "Lizzie" at the Flea this morning. I wasn't sure if she had what it takes but, I couldn't resist. Before I was about to leave the flea, she called me from afar. I laughed because the vendor said, " I was killing him." Yes, I haggle. Ha, Ha.
          So, this was Sunday. Wednesday, I had eye surgery. I'm fine still recuperating from cataract surgery. All is well so far! 
         Since last week, my computer was giving me a headache. Well, more like a migraine. This is why I was also absent from blogging. Hubby said I had malware. What the heck! My Etsy banner was gone. Very frustrating on so many levels. I need a computer tech attached to my hip these days. Yikes!!
       And finally... I will be collaborating with a shop in Rhine beck, NY to carry some of LizlovesVintage goods. I am excited to see my Vintage in a shop other than online. One of my dreams come true. Maybe, now I won't have to schlep my wares across town. The Flea at D + H Canal was so much fun last Sunday. More like work but, best with a Pal. Thanks Stephanie!!
      That's what I've been up to. Oh, plus trying to stock the food pantry at the Battered Women's Site. Who as it stands has run out of food. Things need to get better sometime soon. I don't need to tell you guys there is such a need! Please support your local pantry. Thanks!
      My Hubby is ringing a Vintage Hotel bell for service. Why in the world would I even encourage that purchase!!
       Bye, for now.


  1. Lizzie is wonderful. Great purchase. I hope you are feeling better after your surgery. Good luck with your computer. Yes they can give us headaches unless you know a computer geek who can fix it for you lickety split. I think you should be the one who gets to ring the bell for service. Happy Sunday.


  2. Oh my...so glad to hear you are ok after your surgery! Lizzie is just fabulous! Hmmm, how about you "hide" the vintage bell and blame it on Lizzie!

  3. Glad you are doing well...and your Lizzie is a sweet find! Hope all of your tech problems go away=)

  4. Lizzie...is she a namesake?? I love her and I am tickled pink your surgery went well and you are doing great. And that's fantastic that you will be in a shop. I love my little booth but it sure is a lot of work. I have the booth looking all spiffy and then the customers move stuff and just leave it laying in the floor. I guess as long as they buy I should be happy. xo


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