

I Think I've Lost My Mind::

                          Yes, Folks! I think I've lost it or maybe I've come to my senses. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. My Collections are getting out of hand and with a small home. You know... enough already! I need to do some serious purging around here. For starters, I need to ask myself a few questions. Do I love it? Do I need it? Do I have to have it? Can I live without it? Can I find another one just like it?
               I think what hit me hard was a visit to my Mom's, a few weeks ago. Her sadness as I went through my Grandma's jewelery box, hutch and closet. After her telling me, " What am I going to do with these things throw them away?" It struck a core in me. I wouldn't want that on my Children or Daughter's shoulders. Cleaning up years of Collections or plain old stuff could be exhausting to anyone.
             I'm sure this is a good thing. I keep on convincing myself just that. We shall see how it goes.....
For now, I'm taking inventory one day at a time. Have I lost my mind?
                                             Thanks for letting me vent ;(
                                                                           xxx Liz
      PS.  I'm linking with Faded Charm. It's White Wednesday on her Blog. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I agree I go to estate sales and when I see all of the THINGS people are selling its a wake up call so a few years ago I started a new policy
    bring one thing in two things go out of the house
    WOW it worked
    A hint:
    I put the things to go in the garage for a week if I miss it I bring it back and put something else there instead at the end of 2 weeks if it stayed in the garage it goes
    LOVE all your white ironstone let me know if you want to part with any

  2. Liz, I helped my BIL and niece clean up some stuff in my sister's house after she died. She was a serious collector and although I loved a lot of the stuff she had and wanted to take it home with me I couldn't. But I had the same thought. She had collected all this stuff and now it was almost a burden for us to find new homes for it! We just touched the surface of it and my BIL is now slowly going through the rest and selling it at an antique booth.

  3. I think it is a life stage to start reducing the collections. But it just makes sense. I find that I appreciate the things I decide to keep more, and really enjoy them. Like your beautiful ironstone! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. I can relate! Working on a plan to purge some now...
    Meanwhile, now that I've found you, I'm going to follow. I'm new around here...

  5. I've been doing some major purging over the last 6 months and I very glad I did it! My house does seem near as clutter now!
    Good luck whatever you decide!


  6. I have started to feel the same way having lost both my Mom and Grandmother in the past few years and having gone through all their stuff. I don't have any children, so who know who's shoulders the responsibility will fall on, maybe my niece and nephew. Regardless, I am becoming less attached to certain things and keep trying to convince my husband it is just "stuff". Believe it or not he is more attached than me at times. But it is still fun to collect, at least now I have an outlet with my business.

  7. I agree that if you like to collect-we sometimes go overboard. I LOVE doing it and though the rational side of me says not so much, another part says-hey, a lot of this stuff will go up in value and my kids will make a lot of $$ selling it when I'm gone. :-)

  8. My girls gripe at me all the time of my clutter treasures. I told them ( I am a young widow even though both girls are married LOL) anyway I told them to shut up I am keeping my treasures that makes me happy.
    I told them what estate dealer to call if I die sudden, like now.

    I have been having yard sales and selling at flea markets this summer things I want to get rid of.

    why not keep the things we love and had fun finding in a treasure shop or estate sale??

    my girls can open my door to all my friends to pick out what they want then let the estae dealer sell the rest.

    i'm keep my STUFF LOL


  9. I think you are so right, I wish I could get my mother who is 76 and has been a collector for years to do the same. My mom thinks me and my siblings will have fun, she is so wrong and I am a junker/dealer and your new follower.

  10. I have a pitcher collection too, along with way too many other collections, so I had to get a booth at the antique mall just to get rid of some stuff and be able to still be creative.

  11. Beautiful collection! I started going through and cleaning out things this week, it always makes me feel good and less cluttered to let a few things go. Things must have a purpose in order for me to buy them these days. :o)


  12. I really try not to start new collections but sometimes I can't help it! The good thing about having a booth though is that I can enjoy things for a while and them pass them along. Love the pitcher picture...pinning away!

  13. Collections just seem to creep up on us. Just when you rein one in, another one grows! It's so hard to purge. All those organization shows say "keep the memory, not the stuff." Easier said, than done.


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