

An All American Classic. Show and Tell:

      Thanks Friends for all your well wishes. I'm hoping that this weekend's rest will make me healthy again. I managed the Farmer's market yesterday and a garage sale. Thus, this precious cu pie doll came home with me. An  all American classic. The garage sale said, "Vintage." I could hardly resist the temptation. The mailman even escorted me to the destination. I was a little lost. Mailmen are great Tom, Toms. I'd say. It was just meant to be. My other loot included: Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls, frozen charlotte's, a foot stool with attached floral pad. It was a great sale and the weather was just an added bonus. Did you encounter any Vintage treasures this weekend? Mailmen? Enjoy.
                                                                      Liz :)
Frozen Charlotte Penny Dolls, Japan 1920- 1930


  1. I remeber those dolls at the state fair when I was YOUNG. Maybe I even had one..your cupie is awesome!! Also love the sweet little ceramic dolls that I seem to be collecting...

  2. Such great finds, Liz! Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well...hope it passes quickly!

  3. I just recently found out those little dolls were called frozen Charlottes. Don't you love those "vintage" garage sales. And then when they actually have vintage things it's extra amazing.


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