
Last But Not Least::

       Working at a snail's pace this am. Grocery shopping, errands to do and a stop at a Friend's home to see her porch.
Busy, busy.. This is a quick post.
Last, but not least. The last collar in the lot from the Flea last week. It has that "Wow" factor doesn't it? Lizzie is looking pretty good. I do say so myself.
     Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Have a great weekend. Enjoy!
                                               Liz  ;)


Vintage Collars::

So, sweet I couldn't resist.When I eyed this lot of Women's dress collars well, I was jumping for joy. Oooo, Aaa!  The Woman who I purchased them from said her children couldn't care less about these heirlooms that belonged to her Aunt. Isn't this always the case? Which one is your favorite?
Mine is?
Have a great week
Liz ;)