
The Weekends Are For....

....Feeding the birds!

            Ball feeders and suet hearts to attract some wild birds in my yard. I didn't make the ball feeders. They were on clearance at the Garden Center for 90% off. All hung in a tree at the end of the yard waiting for some takers. I don't think the birds will mind that they are Christmas leftovers. The enamel bowl wasn't the greatest fit, as I dropped half the seed on the ground. Oops! Another bargain at the Dollar Store. All totaling $2.90 to feed the birdies today. They have so been neglected here. Hubby keeps on teasing me and says, "The birds are here.." Ha, Ha. Boy, will they be surprised. I say........
 Another, shocker on the home front. MY TREE IS DOWN.. what a relief. I hope your are having a great weekend. Is your tree still up? For those of you who have off from work tomorrow. Enjoy your day :)
xxx Liz 


Pam Kessler said...

I'm having trouble attracting them to my feeders. May have to put signs up for them! Glad your tree is down.

Shane Pollard said...

Oh those hungry birdies will just love you.
In winter I'm very aware that their usual sources of food are in short supply and I have a feeder in my garden too.
But it's summer here now and all the young birds from Spring are still learning by their mothers side, just which gardens in their neighbourhood are bird lovers!
Sometimes it's hard packing up the tree - I know!

Have a wonderful week Liz - full of vintage delights!

Gracie's Cottage said...

The little creatures leave our neighborhood for the winter for the most part; I'm always happy when they find their way back!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I love feeding the birds...you are going to have some happy visitors!

DearHelenHartman said...

My tree is FINALLY put away. My birdfeeder is busy. It's a good day. Love my visit to your blog.

Jan@southernjunkin' said...

The birdies are 'gonna' love you!!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Prettiest bird feeder I've ever seen....

Ana said...

Great pics Liz. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was a three day weekend...Love those :-)

Hugs and Kisses,