

earth day::

 The watering cans are ready again to be used. I've been thinking about planting, reorganizing the plants in the front of the house or maybe planting something new too. Have you started working or planning for your garden? Isn't it exciting to be thinking about seed packets and new varieties available. My tiny wish list is ready to go... Oh, Happy Earth Day before I forget ;)

                                                                                  xxx Liz


  1. Lovely image. I planted scads of sweet potato vines [Green and Burgandy] with begonias Saturady. As well as sedums and succulents. I also use petunias here because they take our awful heat. You get snow and cold and we get awful heat. xo, Olive

  2. We have been planting new Daylilies and Iris. Also working on the lawn. Your daffodils are beautiful...ours have already gone by. My herb garden just went in so hoping for warmer weather to come and stay! Sue

  3. Olive,
    Yes, I use petunias here also. Funny how you like succulents. Yesterday, I went in search and the Garden Center was completely sold out! Thanks for your thoughtful comment.
    Happy Gardening :)
    xo Liz

  4. Sue,
    I'm ready for warmer weather also. I haven't started working outside yet because of the weather. Last weekend the wind was terrible and too chilly to stay out for long periods. Last year, I planted many hydrangeas. This year, it will be more lavender, for sure and herbs. Good luck!
    xo Liz

  5. I think we may have actually turned the corner into spring now, so I can start seriously thinking of planting some stuff. I just bought a false indigo yesterday and am anxious to see what it's going to look like in a few weeks. If the dogs leave it alone.

  6. I so love the spring blooms you mix with the antiques. Mixing the old with the new can be the best way to go even with everyday life... recipes, decorations, friends, family, experiences.
    Thanks for sharing your creative eye!

  7. These are gorgeous pictures Liz!
    Hoping to get my yard looking good this weekend1

  8. The weather here has been beautiful Sandi. Same here!
    xxx Liz


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