

new things are a coming round::

You know when the well runs dry... it ain't dry anymore. I've taken lots of things in consideration around here and I'm not closing these doors just quite yet.. my blog that is.
I took a little break and now, I'm changing some things around to make them fresh and exciting for you and me. Sound good? Just to give you a sample of some new stuff "findings" my new page will be open soon. I'm also including some collecting tidbits from people in the biz and a crafty page with lots to drool over. So things are coming along very soon, sooner then you think.
How do you like the new banner? style? It's been fun and the new change feels right. 
More to come in a few days from now. Catch you in between friends. Thanks for visiting me as always. You're the best!


  1. I love the new header and the fabric on the background. Looking forward to the new changes!

  2. Yes, love the new header!!!

  3. Thanks Pam I'm looking forward to the changes myself.
    Glad you stopped by..Liz

  4. been following you on IG and thought I would check out your blog - I love it! and I'm very curious about your findings page...tell me more!


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