
Giveaway Winner::

           Hi, how is everyone?  I just stopped by to announce the winner of the Folk magazine Giveaway.
           Congratulations to Cheri, you won :)
           Please email me your information so, I can forward it to Ben at Folk magazine.
           I hope everyone is having a great week so far. Sorting through finds from Sunday's flea. Thanks to my Hubby for finding the blue ball jars. They were buried in a box mixed with clear colored jars. From a distance he showed me a clear ball jar and I shook my head No! Then with a serious face he said, " Yes! " A woman from a distance started to yell to her significant other and said, " He's taking them.. he's taking them." Yeah, he did alright LOL. Oh, and if she's reading this post. Next time grab the darn box.. and run. LOL!
Have a wonderful Thursday.
                                                                            xxx Liz


Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Great find...I never pass up jars, unless they are selling them for a ridiculously high price! Especially love the aqua jars!


Haha...I'll stay out of your way!
That doll has the cutest little chubby legs and boots!