
Random Garage Sale/ Thrift Goodies::

Children's toys seem to be what I've been encountering lately. The Woman who sold me the iron said it worked. Really?
I haven't tried it yet but, for some odd reason I'm a little sceptical. My Grandmother would of been so excited about this purchase. She loved to iron. Even my Grandfather's underwear!
Child's ironing board from another sale. They weren't a set.
... And this 1950's puppet I found thrifting. It was love at first sight. Isn't she a sweet one? I couldn't resist this purchase.
Could you have?
Liz ;)


time worn interiors said...

Cute stuff!

But ironing underwear! That's to funny! I try not to iron anything!


Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

I would have bought that sweet puppet too!! I think that's the first time I've ever heard of ironing underwear...that's true love!

Carrie Ann Eddleman said...

I too have purchased old irons and wooden ironing boards....now to decide what to do with them. Will you be keeping yours? Great finds. : ) Carrie

Ava said...

Love your vintage goodies ! Now following xx Ava

Design Dork said...

I have a puppet similar to this! I love it! It holds a special place in my heart

Heidi Ann said...

I have that same little puppet. She belonged to my mother, and I love her, too. Such a cutie pie.