
crochet flower frog::

Hello there,
I hope you are enjoying this new month so far.. What's new?
After work today, there was typical errands to do. A trip to the post office lead me to watch some geese in a nearby pond. As I was leaving to get to my car I spotted many white and purple violets glistening in the sunshine. Grabbing what I could, I was hoping on my way home they would withstand the heat. Take a look what I did with them. Here they are in my make do crochet flower frog. So, simple it took me about 2 minutes to create. Find a small vessel to hold your clippings. Add a crochet doily and H20. Slip cuttings in place then, secure with twine. Easy Huh? No fuss, no mess and simple. Thank goodness for the weekend it's almost here. One more work day.. just one.
                                                                                Enjoy ;)


Olive said...

beautiful Liz...enjoy the weekend

LizlovesVintage said...

You too Olive :)

Donna Heber said...

Very pretty Liz! Violets are one of my favorites.