
Mail From A Cottage and Estate Sale::

                         Ana's handmade heart came in the mail today. Thank you Ana, it's beautiful. I will cherish it always! Check out her sweet blog at, A Petite Cottage.
                         While, the mail arrived this morning. My friend aka: Thelma (that's another story) and me attended a mega estate sale. Oh, yes another craigslist ad. This time the estate sale was in my neighborhood. How lucky was that.
    Thelma had a handful of items. As for myself, I did great too. Here's my list of finds: pair of shabby tole hanging lights( above) shiny brite ornaments, cream ware, spools of thread, vintage scissors, mirror, atlas mason jar, silverware, vintage milk bottle, angel food pan, tin and a vintage Xmas bell.
      The Thelma and Louise duo had a great time. Best of all, it was a stone throw away. We love that :)
      The shabby lighting fixtures will be going in my Etsy shop soon. Not sure on pricing yet. Why am I drawn to pink lately? Who knows.
       I hope you are having a fun weekend. Now, I need to catch up on things around here.
                                                             Be back in a few days :)
                                                                        xxx Liz


Pam Kessler said...

I slept in instead of going to my estate sale this morning. They didn't have a lot of photos and it was 35 miles from here, so I chose sleep instead. Of course, around noon I was regretting the decision. Those pink lights are unique.

Jan@southernjunkin' said...

Sounds like a great day! Love estate sales!!

Burlap Luxe said...

Liz oh my what sweetness the chandeliers are. I have never seen anything like them and I also wish they were mine, but better that they are yours.
I cannot wait to see what you do with them and where they will light up a space of beauty that inspires softness :)

Thank you for your visit and entering my theatre giveaway.
Have a beautiful Sunday and week to follow.

ChiPPy-SHaBBy said...

Hellooooo Liz...
Just hopped on over to SEE those Tole Lights!!! FaB in White ~ Great Score...
Jeanine Burkhardt

Into Vintage said...

Those light fixtures are amazing! Love those. Great score for you!

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

Love your finds Liz! Thanks for visiting my blog today~ Im your newest follower too! xo Rachel :)

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Sounds like the perfect day...junking with a gal pal....great finds! :)