
The Birth of A New Magazine::

                      Did you see the cover? I'm excited to see this new Magazine coming out in the Fall 2011.  Just spreading the news!   www.magazinebyfolk.com
                        You can even go to Facebook to learn more.
                                                       Enjoy your week,
                                                           xxx Liz


Hot OFF The Press::

  When Jen from Earthangelstoys spoke to me weeks ago about featuring, "LizlovesVintage" on her blog. I was smitten.
  Jen and I met at the Earthangelstoys" Spring Fling" in Saratoga, NY. Where the gang of Earthangel's gathered and displayed their original art. Women in one place sharing, laughing, networking and learning what it takes today to be a Woman in business.
  I admire Jen O'Connor for her vivacious attitude and spunk. Not to mention a leader. Who, from my stand point has paved the way for Women to follow their paths and hearts. I just love that!
 Check out the Earthangel's Blog to see scheduled events. Or, explore the fabulous Artists work on display. Up and coming Artists spotlight to browse what's new and hot.

Link on my Sidebar!

Kudos to Jen for spreading the Vintage vibe and putting LizlovesVintage on the map :)
Get those roof racks ready girl! Ha, Ha...


Thrifting ::

When I can, I love to thrift. It's just pure luck what comes home with me. This weekend it was vintage ball jelly jars. Pure and simple as that.Now my wheels start turning and thinking about jams and jelly. That would be fun. If only I had more time.No fussing here now! On to the flea today to see what treasures I can find. First comes first. Coffee! 
                       Have a wonderful weekend all.
                                                        x0x0x0 Liz


Memories In Florida::

Hello!! Hello!!
It's good to be back home.I traveled to sunny central Florida to visit my Mom.Who is doing well, considering a bad fall she had weeks prior.I tell you that time spent was treasured.Mom and Daughter time I will never forget in my heart.Here are some pics from my favorite historic town, "Miscanopy". Known for their antiques, books, museum and yes beautiful old trees.Oh, and the best ever Southern chicken and dumplings! Yum. 
I think in my next life. I will be a food critic.Not a bad job you think? 
Before I leave. I would like to send out a little prayer of hope to all those who were faced with the impact of Irene.I've seen it's devastation from afar. My prayers are with all those families, whose lives have been impacted by this terrible storm.
Time for me to... unpack. Till next time..